
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Short Term

Let's go back in time for a moment. I'm in high school. I'm hanging out with my friends. We've watched A Walk to Remember (side note: the sappiest high school love story before The Notebook came out) yet again where Mandy Moore's character has a bucket list.

So at the time, we all made lists. A good portion was crossed off over time. A good portion was of silly ass things that are seemingly unimportant in the grand scheme of things. I've lost the list. I've dropped a few things. I've added a few. I think I'm technically on List 3.0.  The problem with a bucket list is that I feel like I have all the time in the world to complete it. I need deadlines, no pun intended.

Since I have an affinity for list making, I've pulled a few things from my bucket list that are more urgent/attainable. I've made a list of things I want to do this year (birthday year, not calendar). I'm also starting to make a list of things I want to do before I'm 30.

Serious, silly, and everything in between:
  • Own property
  • Learn to make a mash-up
  • Learn to crochet
  • Start reading regularly - Seriously, I have had no focus in the book department the past few years. This one is in progress though.
  • Visit my family in the Philippines
  • Take a trip outside of the country - Not counting the trip to the Philippines.
  • Lose weight - I know this one is vague. But considering I struggle just to maintain my weight, any loss would be good.
  • Do the photo a day challenge - In progress!
  • Learn to screenprint
  • Perfect cat eye liner
  • Start printing pictures again 
  • Own some of that crazy luxury designer $hit - Louis Vuitton. Louboutin. You see where I'm going with this.
  • Have a spa day
  • Find a charity to donate my time to
  • Sell something I've made - Nothing graphic design related
  • Sew a piece of clothing from scratch
  • Be able to consider myself fluent in Tagalog
Things NOT going on this list that might have once been:
  • Go to grad school - This should really be "Figure out if I want to go to grad school". I'm just not sure these days. There's definitely room for me to learn more, but I'm not sure if another degree is the answer or if I just want to take classes.
  • Get married - For this to happen before I'm 30, based on a reasonable timeline of events, I would need to start dating dude by tomorrow.
There's probably a few more things on my list that are attainable in the near future, but I'll start here. Also on the Before 30 list, take out my tongue ring. Because I think I'll be too old for it. And cause I promised my dentist.

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